Badass Ladies of ‘Once Upon A Time’

Photo courtesy of ABC.

Photo courtesy of ABC.

Princesses and other female protagonists in fairytales have been criticized for years for being dependent, poor role models, undeveloped characters and basically just bad for feminism. However, Once Upon A Time creates female characters in a fairytale world that are both fully developed and kick some major ass. You might argue that the show is sort of like a gender bent fairytale haven since the women are fighting (scandalous!) and saving their loved ones (outrageous!) while the men often bluster and flounder (shocking!), but it’s not. Of course, this is not to say that the men on this show are useless. Josh Dallas, Eion Bailey, Colin O’Donoghue, and Sebastian Stan provide a lot of nice eye candy and—occasionally—some plot development. Just Kidding!

In all seriousness, the entire cast of this show is fantastic and gorgeous. Once Upon A Time is an interpretation of classic fairytales where the writers take into account the fact that all characters should be fully developed people, even the women. So, I’m taking this opportunity to show my love for some of my favorite Once ladies. I should warn you, this post could probably be chalked up to a long love letter to the writers, directors and actresses who made these characters possible. And if you don’t want to read about my love for these characters, you can always check out the show and decide for yourself.

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