One Direction Live Blog


One Direction’s ‘Take Me Home: Yearbook Edition’ was released on Spotify on Nov. 13. Photo courtesy of Syco Records.

1)    Live While We’re Young

  • Catchy and a good first song.
  • Could listen to it forever on repeat. Probably will someday soon.

2)    Kiss You

  • Sounds like a standard pop song. Danceable but nothing too special.
  • “Chinny chin chins” Excuse me? What is this? Who the hell is writing these songs? The big bad wolf? He should not be writing pop songs for UK boy bands.

3)    Little Things

  • I really like that all the boys get their own little solo in this song.
  • Okay so I’ve seen some of my friends commenting about how this song is one big back-handed compliment, or it’s like a guy trying to pick up a girl by saying something mean to her and I have to disagree with my friends. I think there are certain lines that aren’t necessary and probably ruin the rest of the song: “you still have to squeeze into your jeans” and “you’ll never love yourself half as much as I love you.” But I think part of love is noticing all those stupid little things about the other person that no one else notices and loving those things. I read a better example of this in a novel where a boy has a crush on a girl and he notices the stray hairs that escape from her ponytail and stick out from her head; the boy describes the hairs in the sunlight looking like a halo. It’s something we all want: to be accepted for everything we are. However, I don’t like the attitude this song takes that the girl inherently doesn’t love herself enough because not all girls are like that.

4)    C’mon, C’mon

  • I mean, I think the title accurately sums up the song: c’mon, c’mon you guys can do better. I THINK I’M HILARIOUS
  • Not a big fan of this song. It sort of sounds like it should be the last song on the album for some reason. It just sounds like a closing song.

5)    Last First Kiss

  • It took me a few minutes to figure out what “I want to be your last first kiss” means and it’s kind of a cute concept because it’s like “I wanna be with you forever.” So props to them for figuring out a new way to say something cliché.

6)    Heart Attack

  • I whole-heartedly approve of bringing back the “ow!” in pop songs.

7)    Rock Me

  • Okay this song starts off strong. Wait what the hell? This is a down-tempo song?
  • Is it just me or is there a lot of unresolved sexual tension on this album?
  • Spelling out words in songs is only acceptable if it’s a hard word to spell.

8)    Change My Mind

  • If “Little Things” was playing the overused Nice Guy Card, this song talks about that type of are-we-friends-or-more situation without making her seem like a bitch if she rejects him.
  • Slower song. It’s okay. The vocals sound great.

9)    I Would

  • Love the guitar in the beginning
  • It’s sort of just a boy version of Taylor Swift’s “You Belong With Me”
  • Sounds like an 80’s pop song, like the opening credits song from Teen Witch and oh god do I love it.
  • 27 Tattoos? That’s a really specific number. And this guy sounds hot, I’d date him.
  • This song is retro pop chic. It sounds like it could have come from the 80’s, the 90’s or now and I love that about it.
  • I can actually tolerate the spelling out thing in this song

10)   Over Again

  • “Hole in the middle of my heart like a polo” what?
  • I like this song. I like the arrangement, the vocals and the whole thing.

11)   Back For You

  • The tune of the chorus is really catchy but for some reason I can’t stand this song.
  • It’s just sort of boring

12)   They Don’t Know About Us

  • I feel like this song is really immature. Like, I get it, they’re a boy band and they sing about love and girls with muffin tops and chinny chin chins but this song is so obviously catering to their younger fans. These guys have dealt with a lot of public relationships and I can’t imagine they’re still this blindly optimistic about love. Maybe this is my way of saying I really want One Direction to put out a pop punk album about all the ways they got their hearts broken.

13)   Summer Love

  • These guys really want a rewind button don’t they?
  • I’m not sure how I feel about this being the last song on the regular album. Meh.

14)   She’s Not Afraid

  • Love this song. It reminds me of the movie Sleepover.
  • It’s a good beginning to the bonus track songs. Upbeat and fast and totally danceable.
  • I think I like this song a lot more because I relate to the girl in it the same way I relate to Meg song in Disney’s Hercules

15)   Loved You First

  • Standard One Direction song

16)   Nobody Compares

  • I don’t know why I like this song. I really don’t. Maybe it’s the reuse of N Sync’s “tearin’ up my heart” lyrics, but I’ve been the girl in this situation and it SUCKED. It sucks to hear that this guy loves you and you don’t–you can’t–love him like that anymore. But even while it sucks, it’s still nice to hear that someone loves you, especially if you don’t particularly like yourself at the moment. So I guess I like this song because I take some sick pleasure in knowing that I wasn’t alone in this experience.
  • Anyway, it’s one of my favorite songs

17)   Still The One

  • Such a better song to end the album with. Like, there is no reason to buy the regular version of the album. The yearbook version is so much better.

Overall reaction:

I feel like it’s a mediocre sophomore album. Some of the songs are boring and sound like the band is just trying to manufacture hits that will sell to their fan base. It’s not adventurous except for a few standout songs. I also feel like a lot could have been fixed by rearranging the order of the songs, this arrangement completely front-loads the album and the second half is boring. Unless you got the Yearbook Edition, then the album picks back up in those last four songs.


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