How the Ponds’ Departure Broke My Heart


Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill left ‘Doctor Who’ in Saturday’s episode ‘The Angels Take Manhattan.’ Photo courtesy of BBC.

The midseason finale of Doctor Who ‘The Angels Take Manhattan’  that aired on Saturday night was the departure of Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and her husband Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) from the show. For those of us who watch Doctor Who, it was an emotional night. Pictures and quotes from the episode began leaking online as soon as the episode aired in the U.K. Six million people watched the finale. Which means 6 million people are mourning the loss of Amy and Rory, including myself.

Doctor Who TV wrote an article about the most heartbreaking moments from ‘The Angels Take Manhattan.’ Although I don’t necessarily agree with everything Liam Duke lists in his article, I figured I’d take a page from his book (pun not intended) and try to cope with my grief the only way I know how: with a list. So here it is: my list of how Amy, the girl who waited, and Rory—fantastic Rory, funny Rory, gorgeous Rory—broke my heart in less than 60 minutes.

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