Give Me All the Platonic Men & Women Bromances on TV

Photo via The Examiner

Photo via The Examiner

Bromance is not exclusive to dudes: two girls can have a bromance or a guy and a girl can have a bromance. Bromances on TV are loving friendships between two people and sometimes they’re even more interesting to watch than plain, old, romances. But the best bromances are the platonic heterosexual partnerships found on TV shows new and old. Hetereosexual friendships on television are often more interesting when the writers don’t inject it with a dose of cliche romance. Sure, sometimes viewers want TV partners to get together–Scully and Mulder from The X-Files for instance–but I for one am sick of seeing heterosexual friendships and partnerships begin to develop or acknowledge feelings for each other for the sake of drama.

Photo via Fanpop

Photo via Fanpop

There have been plenty of successful platonic partnerships on TV that haven’t gone anywhere. Zoe Washburne and Mal Reynolds from Firefly; Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler from Law and Order: Special Victims Unit; and Veronica Mars and Wallace Fennel from Veronica Mars the television series (as well as the upcoming Veronica Mars film!) Although none of these partnerships are still on TV–Olivia has a new partner while Firefly and Veronica Mars were cancelled–they showed that platonic partnerships can be more interesting than romantic relationships. Now more than ever, it seems Hollywood has realized that these types of friendships, partnerships, and bromances can work on TV. So, I thought I’d pay homage to the onces I love the most.

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